You have some form errors. Please check below. Your form validation is successful! Sponsor's Information Full Name * Your Sex * Please Select Male (Man) Female (woman) Unknown Your Status in Canada * Please select... Canadian Citizen Canada Permanent Resident Canada Registered Indian Illegal Immigrant Study Permit Work Permit Visit Visa Temporary Visit Permit Other Temporary Valid Visa Refugee Claimant I don't know Where do you live? Please select... Inside Canada Outside Canada Both Your Country of Birth How old are you? * Please select... Less than 16 years old 16 or older but less than 18 Between 18 and 25 Between 26 and 35 Between 36 and 50 Over 50 Are you at work? Please select... Yes, full time Yes, part time Yes, self-employed No, student No, retired No, on unemployment benefits or Employment Insurance No, on disability insurance No, use my savings No, get help from family and/or friends No, receive money from my insurance company Other Gross Annual Income in CDN Current Marital Status Please select... Never Married Married Widowed Legally Separated Annulled Marriage Divorced Common-law Conjugal Relationship More than one spouse Since When Married or Common-law (if applicable) Have you been married or in common-law relationship prior to your current status? Please select... Yes No If your answer was yes to last question what was the end date of the relationship? Co-signer information if applicable... Do you have a co-signer? Please select... Yes No Who will co-sign the application? Please select... No Co-signer Spouse (husband/wife) Common-law partner Conjugal partner Other What is the annual income of the co-signer if applicable. The Status of Co-signer Please select... Not Applicable Canadian Citizen Canada Permanent Resident None of the Above Enter the co-signer's age if applicable. Please select... Not Applicable less than 16 years 16 or more but less than 18 18 years or more Your contact information. Double-check to make sure your contact info is correct. Primary Phone Number Home Phone Number Work Phone Number Your Cell Phone Your Time Zone Please select... (GMT -8:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) (GMT -7:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada) (GMT -6:00) Mexico City (GMT -5:00) Bogota, Lima (GMT -4:00) La Paz, Santiago (GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown (GMT -12:00) Eniwetok, Kwajalein (GMT -11:00) Midway Island, Samoa (GMT -10:00) Hawaii (GMT -9:00) Alaska (GMT -4:30) Caracas (GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic (GMT -1:00 hour) Azores, Cape Verde Islands (GMT) Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca (GMT +1:00 hour) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris (GMT +2:00) Kaliningrad, South Africa (GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg (GMT +3:30) Tehran (GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi (GMT +4:30) Kabul (GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent (GMT +5:30) Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi (GMT +5:45) Kathmandu (GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo (GMT +6:30) Yangon, Cocos Islands (GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta (GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong (GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk (GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin (GMT +10:00) Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok (GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia (GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka The best time to call you Please select... Anytime From 8 am to 11 am From 12 pm to 1 pm From 2 pm to 5 pm From 6 pm to 8 pm From 9 pm to 11 pm Your Skype ID Your email address Confirm Email Some questions that may affect your eligibility. Are you recieving social assistance for a reason other than disability? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are Are you an undischarged bankrupt? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are Have the people you have sponsored in the past received Canadian social assistance Please select... Not applicable No, never Yes, but only after when my or my co-signor's undertaking duration was over Yes, my co-signor's sponsored people Yes, my sponsored people Yes, both my and my co-signor's sponsored people Have you co-signed a sponsorship that people who were sponsored received social assistance? Please select... Not applicable No, never Yes, but only after when my or my co-signor's undertaking duration was over Yes, my co-signor's sponsored people Yes, my sponsored people Yes, both my and my co-signor's sponsored people Have you been ordered to leave Canada? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are Do you owe money to the Canadian Immigration authorities? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are Are you currently in prison or similar facility? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are Have you been convicted of sexual offence or any other offence against one of your family members in the past five years? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are Is the government of Canada investigating or have charged you to revoke your citizenship? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are Is the government of Canada in the processing of making you inadmissible to Canada? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are Have you been charged with an offence that has a maximum punishment of at least 10 years of jail time? Please select... Neither I nor my co-signer Yes, I am Yes, my co-signer is Yes, both I and my co-signer are If you have answered yes to any of the eligibility questions explain the situation in more detail Please share with us any special circumstances related to your case Information about the person(s) being sponsored. Who are you sponsoring? Please select... Spouse Parents (father or mother) Grandparents (grandfather or grandmother) Siblings (sister or brother) nieces or nephews uncles or aunts a combination of these groups Other family members How many people in total you are sponsoring Please select... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 more than 9 Add information that could help with evaluating your case Submit Form Read in: English